“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life, and you will call it fate.”
– Carl Jung
Dissolve the shadows that obscure your inner Light in this weekly email-based membership!
Perfect for lone wolves and spiritual seekers who want to embrace their shadow side, receive ongoing intuitive guidance, and rediscover more self-love, authenticity, and inner wholeness.
Here’s what you will get:
1. ✨ Weekly intuitive spiritual guidance – this includes:
🔮 Fresh, intuitively guided written guidance for your life each week
🎭 A shadow archetype of the week
✍️ Carefully selected journaling prompts to help you dive deep
🌓 Shadow & light key themes
🌱 Healing mantra
Imagine opening your inbox each Sunday to a brand-new glimmer of guidance crafted with love, focus, and intention to guide your week ahead!
Surprise synchronicities, personal realizations, and moments of epiphany make this intuitive spiritual guidance delightful and unique – think of it as a mirror reflecting back your own deep unconscious inner wisdom.
2. 🔥 The ability to receive personal spiritual support from us through our Q&A offering
Ask us anything about your spiritual path and have it answered, guaranteed! It’s like having your own on-call spiritual mentors.
3. ❤️ Access to a full library of all previous guidance + special bonuses
Receive all content that we’ve published privately and exclusively for Shadow & Light, plus any past and future bonuses like healing meditations, reflective journals, and more!
🐺 This weekly spiritual guidance email membership is for those who:
Feel lost, alone, or stuck and want to find more direction and inner connection
Suffer from blockages like negative self-talk and are looking to find more inner peace
Want ongoing intuitive guidance and personal spiritual support
Need help gently examining the shadow self to find more clarity and self-acceptance
Want to rediscover more emotional balance and inner wholeness
Feel disconnected from their Soul and want to reconnect with their True Nature
🌓 Shadow & Light can help you to:
Feel gently supported each week by two experienced spiritual guides
Find a sense of direction, clarity, and focus in life
Learn how to be true to yourself and your deeper authentic needs
Rediscover more inner balance and wholeness through life’s ups and downs
Practice simple and grounded shadow work
Learn how to find more peace, acceptance, and self-love
Feel more connected to your True Nature, Soul, and life purpose by dissolving the shadows that obscure your Inner Light
I absolutely love this Shadow & Light membership. I love it as much as I love this website and the fantastic spiritual educators (Aletheia & Mateo) that have put this incredible website together. I am so grateful for them sharing their wisdom with everyone. I would hands down recommend this website & membership to anyone embarking on their spiritual journey. 🌓❣️
Megan Groover⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Receiving these messages is a beacon of light and hope for me in currently very challenging times. The words of wisdom speak right to my soul, guide and encourage me further on my path, working with the journaling prompts gently unravel unconscious blockages and sources of despair. I love and appreciate the down to earth approach to spirituality. I highly recommend Shadow & Light to everyone who seeks to develop and cultivate a relationship with the Inner Self.
I have been following Loner Wolf for many years now… the weekly guidance has always been great but Shadow and Light is always spot on! I have had trouble journaling before so the prompts are really good and helpful. Thanks guys truly appreciate your guidance 💕 and what you offer to our community.
Straight from the very first weekly email this has been mind-blowingly powerful, the synchronicity and the on-vibe contents resonate uncannily with my soul’s current challenges, it’s like Aletheia & Mateo have got a little camera running inside my head. They always respond to comments and offer warm words of understanding and support. This is an amazing online community run by amazing people.
Marie France Vincent⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I thoroughly enjoy your weekly topics which are filled with your experiences & wisdom gained, which resonates deeply with me. Thank you both for sharing your teachings/guidance wisdom & support.
James J⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I love it! I love getting my emails on Sundays. I always use the prompts, even if I find I can’t relate to them, I can actually always find something in there if I really think about it. I love the prayers and spiritual guidance.
I am so glad that I purchased this wonderful subscription! It has highlighted clearly the areas of my life that need attention, and the journal prompts are really helpful. Thank you Luna and Sol for providing such a beautiful service, you both are helping many people grow ♥️✨
Sarah Bennett⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
You are both amazing beautiful souls. Thank you for you beautiful website, where I have cried tears of relief and joy in that I am not crazy and you explain simply and perfectly the workings of our mind, body and soul. You also give prompts and solutions and it’s up to us to work with them or discard what doesn’t work for us. I am so very grateful to have been “led” to you 🧡💜
I have followed Luna & Sol for a number of years, and have come to rely upon their weekly guidance for inspiration and insight. I don’t know how they do it, but I can’t tell you the number of times that the guidance has been so incredibly spot-on, or told me the exact thing I needed to know or hear with prompts on how to address it going forward.
This is far better than any self help or therapy for me personally as I am amongst people with similar thoughts and feelings just trying to do our best. This obviously came to me when I needed it, thank you.
Theresa Marriott⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Shadow and Light’s weekly guidance always rings true to my heart. Thanks for acknowledging my shadows and inviting my inner light. I always get excited to open the Shadow and light emails on Sunday!
Angela M⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Thank you, thank you. Your inspiration/guidance comes at just the right time! I feel that my spirit is preparing for the answers to the questions of my heart – and then – VIOLA – Shadow and Light appears in my inbox! Your guidance has informed my work as a therapist as well! Thank you and abundant blessing to you both!
Extremely helpful. So much genuine thought, caring, and insight go into everything you share. Very grateful for all your services and offerings, including Shadow & Light.
Lori R⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Beautifully written and incredibly insightful. I look forward to reading your guidance and Lonerwolf articles every week. They have helped me during the darkest times of my life. I don’t think I would be where I currently am without what you’ve shared. I can’t thank you enough!
I love this site more than I can describe. It’s like I found a home on the internet and I found my tribe. Love you and thank you for all you do.
Susan Megy⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Since signing up for Shadow and Light I have felt very welcome and supported. The weekly emails are like a compassionate, trusted friend who offers guidance and insight on topics that are rarely discussed in other social settings or friendships. I appreciate it soo much 💖
The goal is to help you slowly learn how to dissolve the shadows that obscure your Inner Light; that is why we’ve named this membership Shadow & Light. 🙂
How does this membership work?
After signing up, you will receive one email each week, on an ongoing basis, with intuitively selected spiritual guidance for the week ahead. Each week, you’ll also have the ability to ask any questions on your mind or heart and get them directly answered by us. We’ll endeavor to reply ASAP!
How do I access the personal spiritual support?
Simply click any of the buttons within the weekly email and comment on the guidance page of the week. Ask whatever is on your heart or mind! We will try to answer your question as quickly as possible. You will receive a guaranteed response within 1-3 days. Please note that while you’re welcome to ask your questions within the safe space of our membership group, we cannot answer private emails at this time. As spiritual guides and educators, it is an honor to support you personally with whatever you’re going through or facing right now.
How does the spiritual support differ from your public responses on lonerwolf?
We take more time and care responding to the questions asked within Shadow & Light, often offering practical resources and tips that aren’t found in our public responses to comments on lonerwolf. You’re also guaranteed to get a timely response on Shadow & Light.
What if I’m not receiving your emails?
Have you checked your spam or ‘other’ folder? Please ensure from the very start that your email provider has marked our emails as safe/important so that they don’t mistake the emails as spam (which can sometimes happen due to aggressive filtering systems). You can do that by:
– adding the following emails to your contacts list: sol(at)lonerwolf.com, OR – dragging and dropping our email into your inbox/primary tab OR – marking our email as safe or important (e.g., on your phone, go to your inbox, hold your finger over our email for a few seconds, and select “mark as important”)
You can also find a more detailed step-by-step guide here.
Will I receive any physical items?
No. This membership is 100% online and email-based, so there are no waiting periods, and you don’t have to look out for anything in the mail (except your digital mail each week). 😉
How does the payment work?
You have the option to pay monthly for $6.99 USD or yearly for $67 USD (get two months free)! Your payment is safe and secure as it is SSL-encrypted, and we never store your payment details on our servers.
Does this subscription auto-renew?
Yes, your membership is set to conveniently auto-renew, so you don’t have to sign up every month (or yearly if you select the yearly subscription). You can always cancel or change your membership at any time by logging in to your membership page and clicking the “subscriptions” tab.
Why is this membership so affordable?
We want everyone to feel supported in the essential practice of inner work and spiritual transformation. Memberships are often overly expensive and bloated to make up for the price, so we want to keep Shadow & Light simple, focused, and down-to-earth.
Will the price ever change?
If the price changes in the future, you’ll automatically be legacied into your current price so you don’t have to pay more. 😉
How do you intuitively select the keyword for the week?
The keyword is intuitively selected either through inward meditation, a private oracle or tarot card pull, the I Ching, or bibliomancy.
What if I can’t keep up with the guidance?
We understand that life can get busy, and sometimes you don’t have the inner capacity to self-reflect – this happens to all of us. So please don’t feel pressured to answer all the prompts or make use of the personal Q&A offering if you don’t feel like it! You can always just read the weekly guidance without doing any of the accompanying work, and that’s totally fine. This membership is totally yours to approach in whatever way you want. You can also choose to revisit the prompts and other resources in the Shadow & Light library at a later time when you have more time or energy.
Why are journaling prompts and mantras included?
Journaling prompts, as well as mantras, are simple, easy, and powerful ways of initiating inner alchemy. You can reflect on the journaling prompts and see what comes up for you, or you can choose to write responses to the questions in your journal. Journaling has numerous deep and scientifically proven benefits, so it’s one of our favorite spiritual practices. Mantras (or affirmations) are age-old practices that make the psyche receptive to change, healing, and transformation. Both journaling and mantras can be done quickly and offer profound benefits, which is why we’ve chosen them.
What if I open the email and don’t resonate with the guidance?
When I intuitively select the keyword for the week, I set the intention to attune to the needs of the entire group (that includes you!). If you find at any point that you don’t resonate with a weekly guidance email, there are a few reasons why this might be: (1) you don’t resonate, and while this is rare, it happens! (2) some part within you is resisting the guidance – this is especially true when working with the shadow; (3) the guidance doesn’t immediately make sense, but after letting it settle for a while, it does become relevant (this is quite common). I recommend giving the keyword a chance, letting the guidance sit with you, and noticing how it may re-emerge during your week and spark new insights or epiphanies within you. ☺️
How does this membership relate to your other books, journals, bundles, etc.?
The Shadow & Light Membership complements and supports the guidance shared in our other offerings: it offers you ongoing guidance each week, as well as ongoing personal spiritual guidance where you can submit your questions to have them directly answered by us. S&L is perfect for those who need an ongoing helping hand, feel stuck or disconnected from the inner Self, want to stay motivated on the spiritual path, and desire psychospiritual companionship through difficult periods of life. If you prefer specific guidance on a certain topic (such as inner child work), you will benefit from purchasing that specific offering (aka., the inner child journal). You can also purchase specific items from our store while also benefiting from S&L as it offers you more interactive ongoing support.
What currency is the price?
All prices are in USD.
Can I cancel at any time?
Yes, you can cancel anytime by logging in to your account and clicking the “subscriptions” tab to manage your membership, upgrade, or cancel at any time you wish.
Do you offer refunds?
You can cancel your next payment at any time. However, due to the digital nature of this membership, we cannot offer refunds. If you have questions before purchasing, please contact our awesome customer support.
In summary:
You’ll get the following …
🌓 Weekly intuitive spiritual guidance to guide you on your path
❣️ Ongoing personal spiritual support through our Q&A offering (submit your questions!)
🌟 A library of all previous guidance and special bonuses
As spiritual educators and guides with over 30 years of combined intensive experience on the awakening journey, we put tremendous heart and Soul into what we create.
Shadow & Light is the best way to journey alongside us in a more intimate way and benefit from our unique psychospiritual down-to-earth approach to the spiritual awakening journey!
If you benefit from our work on lonerwolf, this membership is also a terrific way to support us in continuing our work there.
“Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love.”
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